Expressing your breast milk either by hand or with a breast pump helps you to establish and maintain your milk supply. It also ensures your baby receives the benefits of breast milk even if you are separated from them or your baby is unable to breastfeed. This may be because:
You may also wish to express your breast milk if:
If for any reason you are unable to breastfeed your baby after giving birth, it is important that you begin hand expressing your breast milk as soon as possible. This is because your breast milk, in particular your colostrum (the first breast milk your body makes), is the perfect source of nutrition for your baby. It contains antibodies which protect your baby from infection and help their immune system to develop. It also helps your baby’s digestive system to develop, which protects them from allergies.
Aim to express 8 to 10 times in 24 hours, including once overnight to establish your milk supply. Your breast milk supply is determined by how often you express, so if you do not express regularly, your milk supply will decrease. Remember the more milk you take, the more milk you will make.
If you do not need to express your milk straight away, it is better to wait until both you and your baby feel confident with breastfeeding before you start expressing milk regularly.
While you are expressing your breast milk, you may find it helpful to:
This can help trigger your let-down reflex (a hormonal response that makes breast milk flow).
To have the best chance of achieving a full milk supply, it is recommended that you express your colostrum by hand within the first couple of hours after giving birth, and then aim to express 8 to 10 times in 24 hours, including at least once overnight.
Please ask your midwife to show you how to hand express. You can also follow the steps below:
For more information about hand expressing, please watch the content under Video Showcase.
It is recommended that you hand express your breast milk for the first two days after giving birth before using a breast pump. However, if advised by your neonatal nurse or midwife, a breast pump can be used six hours after giving birth.
Breast pumps are designed to mimic your baby’s sucking action. There are two different types: electric and manual. With the manual pump, you squeeze the plunger by hand, while the electric version does the work for you.
Your choice of breast pump will depend on your reasons for expressing. Manual pumps provide a cheaper alternative to electric pumps. They are light-weight, quieter and easier to use. However, they take longer to use and are less efficient.
When you have chosen the right type of pump for you, it is important to read the instructions carefully and ensure you are familiar with how to put it together and how it works before you use it. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your midwife, health visitor or a member of your infant feeding team.
Please follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. You can also follow the steps below:
Make sure your breast milk is stored in a labelled, sterilised container (this does not need to be a bottle) or breast milk storage bag. Storing your breast milk in small quantities will help you to avoid wasting milk, especially if you plan to freeze it, as milk that has been defrosted should be used within 12 hours.
Your milk should then be stored carefully to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. You are advised to follow the storage guidelines below:
If your baby is premature and / or poorly and receiving neonatal care, stricter storage recommendations may apply. Please discuss milk storage with the neonatal team looking after your baby.