Hand Foot and Mouth is a common childhood illness, caused by a virus called Coxsackie. It is usually a mild infection that does not need specific treatment and will usually get better on its own. Antibiotics will not help.
It commonly affects children under 5 years of age, and initial symptoms can include
It's possible to get hand, foot and mouth disease more than once.
If you are not sure it is Hand Foot and Mouth disease look at other childhood rashes.
Please see Red-Amber-Green tables for advice on when and where to seek care for your child.
After a few days mouth ulcers and a rash appear. These can be painful and make it difficult to eat or drink.
Go to the nearest Hospital Emergency (A&E) Department or call 999 - dial 999.
Please contact your GP surgery or call NHS 111 - dial 111.
If symptoms persist for 4 hours or more and you have not been able to speak to either a member of staff from your GP practice or to NHS 111 staff, recheck that your child has not developed any red features.
Continue providing your child’s care at home. If you are still concerned about your child, speak to your health visitor, local pharmacist or call NHS 111– dial 111.
You should keep your child off school or nursery while they are feeling unwell and have a high fever. However, once they are feeling better they can go back to nursery/school and there is no need to wait until all the blisters have healed. However, it is best to let the school or nursery know that they have had hand foot, and mouth disease.